Maintaining Blog Health
Blog health is an important marketing strategy for the flourishing online business. Health blogs are generally niche blogs which cover not only popular topics such as weight loss, exercise and diets, but also relevant and current information on the medical industry and the broader community. A blog’s architecture is heavily dependent upon its purpose. For example, a blog about new home appliances would probably include features such as shopping tips, reviews and recommendations. On the other hand, a blog which is created to talk about natural treatments for various illnesses and diseases would probably not include shopping tips and recommendations.
As a result, it is not surprising to find that a large number of blogs focus either on one narrow topic, such as weight loss, or on numerous niche areas such as exercise, dieting, home remedies and illness prevention. The result is that many blogs fail to be successful in gaining significant traffic. This does not, however, mean that they should be abandoned altogether. There are, in fact, quite a few ways that blog health can be enhanced. The first step is to research your audience.
As a general rule, bloggers with a predominantly young audience tend to blog about current events, technology and entertainment-related subjects. These are the most likely to attract readers due to their relatively young age. Bloggers with an older audience tend to blog about cooking, gardening and parenting-related subjects. The blog’s targeted reading base will therefore differ according to age.
Once you have decided on your specific readership, it would be important to tailor your blog in order to appeal to them more. Some of the things to consider include ensuring that your blog’s layout has clear navigation, including a menu option and clear display of posts and comments. You could also include a news section, which would bring readers up to date on the latest news around the issue being discussed in your blog. It would also be useful to add pictures to illustrate certain points. Finally, it would be beneficial to make the blog as search engine friendly as possible. Search engines such as Google use algorithms to rank websites and blogs according to relevance to a search term.
If you are attracting a greater number of readers to your blog through SEO, remember that doing so can take its toll on your blog. Therefore, when optimizing your blog for SEO, it is best to go slow at first, and only to increase your SEO once you have a number of readers. There are a number of free software and tools available to help with this, and many bloggers would advise you to go this route rather than spending money for increased blog visibility through PPC advertising. The PPC will cost you money, and in the long run you would find that SEO will have a greater impact on your overall rankings.
Lastly, do not forget to keep your blog’s content fresh. Readers would be more likely to return if they see new content. This is particularly true of an information-based blog, such as one dealing with a medical topic. By adding fresh and enticing content, your blog could find itself in the top ten search results on Google, thereby garnering more traffic from readers.
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