Vegetable food refers to a group of related plants which humans eat as food or in salad dressings. The original meaning is still widely used today and is usually applied to whole plants together with a few parts to describe the edible underground stems, leaves, fruits, flowers, roots, and sometimes seeds of the plants. These are generally grouped into three: legumes, root vegetables, and fruit vegetables.
There are two broad classifications of vegetables: rutabaga (or “wild-rices”) and pole beans. Rutabaga is a large family of plants with more than 400 species, so they are a very diverse category. Pole beans are a relatively small family of plants containing domesticated pole beans and also some tubers and grasses. These vegetable food groups are similar to each other, but there are some key differences between them.
Plant Foods. Summary beans have a long tubular history which goes back to prehistoric times when they were used as bait for hunting and to keep horses from grazing on your garden! Primitive Summary Beans is used for food and for plant foods but are a distant cousin to today’s more advanced beans. They are low-growing, roundish shaped plants with a fleshy interior and a single seed in the middle. There are nine basic types of edible beans, which are broadly divided into four groups based on the way they are harvested: wet-peeled, endosperm, enzymatically fermented, and indigestible. Wet-peeled beans are the best for eating, especially their endosperm type which has the highest amount of proteins.
Fruits. An early relative to vegetables, fruit vegetables encompass about half the vegetable species in the world. Most fruits are round in shape and vary greatly in taste depending on how they are stored. Among the fruits are mangoes, bananas, apples, watermelons, peaches, kiwi, pineapple, plums, and lychee.
Vegetables. Probably the most well-known and versatile vegetable group, vegetables are divided into many subgroups and are used for a variety of cooking methods. From stir fries to baked dishes, there is a type of vegetable for every kind of recipe. Some of the most common vegetables include: beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, spinach, asparagus, beans, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, peppers, Brussels sprouts, peas, Brussels sprouts, onions, potatoes, onions, and tomato.
Animal-based Products. While beans and lentils are considering part of the vegetable family, others like meats, eggs, dairy products, and fish are completely separate. Organ meat such as brains, feet, heart, and liver are perfect examples of animal-based protein food groups. Some people are turned off by the thought of eating a meal that comes from the carcass of an animal, but it can be done. Many meatless dishes have been created using only eggs, cheese, and soy or vegan options. For those who are open to trying meatless alternatives, there are also plenty of options in this category.
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